Monday, March 30, 2009

power of prayer....

"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can & the wisdom to know the difference"....

i believe in the power of prayer....

without a doubt, when so many voices are lifted in prayer, miracles happen....

my bladder procedure is scheduled for tomorrow at 10:30 a.m.... i must admit that i'm a bit anxious & nervous, but i know that many special people are praying for everything to be well & so it shall be.... thank you all for your kind words of encouragement, they help me tremendously & keep pushing me through the tough times....

we have a home now, our first new home & we couldn't be more grateful & thankful for all our many blessings....

yesterday was a great day.... it was my sister's bridal shower & everything was beautiful.... she was very happy & that made me happy.... it was also great to catch up with family & friends (i loved the fact that i got to see & hold my little nieces & nephews)....

as i take a deep, calming breath, i know that all will be okay....

i will be okay....


Sensei said...

test. trying to post this.

Sensei said...

Ok I got the hang of this now. I wanted to say I bet you are a great auntie. Besides, "get up and go" aunties are over rated. Once they get up, they just GO. You, on the other hand have to STAY. STAY and listen when they talk, STAY and hold them when they cry, and just STAY and be there when they need you. Your the best "Sit & Stay" Auntie EVER !!!! Love ya.

Kim said...

Dear tati,

I have prayed for you this morning.

You are an incredibly brave, beautiful young woman. You have such light and life about you.

I pray for a speedy recovery from this procedure, and for God to bless your new home.

"One day at a time..."

Keep the faith!


tatiana said...

thank you soooo much for your prayers.... God listens....